3/23/2005 05:13:00 PM|W|P|Bradley Jones|W|P|Well, I'm back! Most of you know this already and some of you may not. I have been in Germany since the 14th of February and then came to the States on the 7th of March and will be in the states until the end of March. I have to go back to Germany to outprocess the Army. I have been working on my new house with Elizabeth and it is coming along nicely. It is amazing at how fast money goes when you have a house and try to make it your own. So far we have laid tile down in the Kitchen and Foyer, hung a ceiling fan in the Kitchen, hung lights in the hall and in the foyer, painted our computer room, built two desks and put the computers together and networked them and put them on the internet, sanded the kitchen cabinets so that we can repaint them, ordered a sofa and two chairs, ordered a refrigerator, dishwasher, a stove/oven, and a range hood (all matching of course), painted the hall and are about to paint the cabinets and the kitchen today. I will post some before and after pictures soon. I didn't bring my camera so I have to borrow Elizabeth's Dad's camera. He has been very helpful with everything, especially the tile as he did most of that. I bought all the supplies to put recessed lighting in the kitchen over the counters and stuff and will be working on that soon as well as a fan for the computer room. None of the rooms in this house have overhead lighting. Elizabeth's father and I will be replacing all of the plumbing in the house due to the fact that what exists here cannot be repaired or added onto and doesn't pass inspection anymore for new homes. That will be kind of a major ordeal and will probably take place when I come back after terminal leave. Well, I think that about updates what's going on. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions. If you want to give us a call leave me a message saying you would like to do so with your email address and I'll send you an email with my phone numbers. Talk to you all soon. BCJ|W|P|111158783564423494|W|P|Back and Busy|W|P|calvin3ztt@gmail.com3/29/2005 10:39:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|Hi Brad,
das hört sich wirklich nach viel Arbeit an. Da geht es dir ja wie mir. Du hast so lange nichts von dir hören lassen, da dachte ich mir schon, dass du bis über beide Ohren in Arbeit steckst. Wo wohnt ihr denn jetzt? Ich werde von Juni bis August in Iowa sein. Wer weiss, vielleicht laufen wir uns einmal über den Weg?!
Also dann,
ganz liebe Grüsse an euch Zwei,
deine Ulrike8/23/2005 10:12:00 PM|W|P| |W|P|Hello Brad
I need some help. I noticed that you are in iraq..are you still there? I am trying to locate a friend just to make sure he is alright. His name too is Bradley Jones but its Bradley K Jones. I am worried as I have not heard from him since 15th April. If you can help, please post/reply a message here and i will send you my email address. Many thanks & be safe. From a worried friend.